Great things happen when we’re parasympathetically dominant (relaxed). Our breath is full, slow, and deep. Our sleep is sound. We’re less busy in our minds, less ‘wired’ in our nervous system. The adrenals are plump, our digestive system works well, inflammation reduces, tissue mends, hormones balance and pain decreases. We become more resilient so we’re more stress-hardy, less flappable. Ahhhhhh……
The immune system purrs. There’s more space and calm around things. Even the challenges because we’re more like ‘teflon’. So we can regulate and bounce back with ease after stress and illness. We have more energy during each day and feel more present and alive, aligned. Our relationships and self expression flourish. Life becomes more easeful. We stay juicy as we age. Cellular repair fast tracks.
S O U N D G O O D ? T H I S I S T H E W O R K W E C A N N O L O N G E R O U T S O U R C E .
I t i n t e r r u p t s A n x i e t y + I n s o m n i a , a n d r e f r a m e s t r a u m a + s e n s i t i v i t y
t o r e w i r e y o u r N e r v o u s S y s t e m a n d r e s o l v e t h e b u r n – o u t c y c l e :
Deeply re-wires you. Cultivates resiliency, biological integrity + the self-agency to steward the life you deeply desire. Fills you with juju as you age.
14 Days of Permission to Rest & Nervous System Nourishment. For an overwhelm-free end of the year and a deep re-set.
These sessions are game-changers. Fast-track postural + biological integrity, repair your Nervous System + liberate your Psoas.
Unprecedented womens–only somatic education. There‘s an application process. Spaces are limited. I'll teach you everything I know.
” T h e s e p a i n s y o u f e e l a r e m e s s e n g e r s . L i s t e n t o t h e m . “
– Rumi
Our collective nervous system is expressing an anxiety epidemic.
This is just the beginning of what’s coming.
I’ll teach you the science of sensitivity and how to live with your sensitivity (super-power) at the helm.
You’ll learn life-saving and soulful anatomy and techniques to interrupt anxiety and liberate your Psoas.
It’s body-based. Somatic. You learn it by embodying it, living it.
So it changes us at the deepest level. I promise.
The way you recognise and tend to your own needs.
The way you rest, move, the way you breathe, the way you live, work and love.
How might your life look then, sweetheart?
W h e n i t c o m e s t o r e s t – w e a r e c h r o n i c a l l y m a l n o u r i s h e d .
We live in a culture where productivity trumps self-care. Tethered to technology and worshipping at the alter of ‘busy’ – our brain and nervous system are “always-on”. We are absorbing information at an unprecedented rate. Natural human movement has been engineered and time-managed out of existence. We spend long hours sitting at glowing screens under artificial lights. Flooded with stress hormones we’re chronically rest deprived like never before. And you’re feeling the effects. We all are. Little wonder an epidemic health crisis is unfolding. Anxiety, adrenal fatigue, pain, sleep and digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, burnout…
Sound familiar?
You ache for permission to ‘ s l o w – i t – d o w n ’. You deeply crave the time and space to relax into your own life. This is your permission slip, sweetheart. You’ll get to make amends with your body and renew your ‘self-care’ vows. Kylian’s Nervous System Repair work is a brave and potent body of work. It gently interrupts the status quo and profoundly nourishes the Psoas – which is a master communicator and direct conduit to your nervous system. Together Kylian’s DEEP REST® and PSOAS LOVE® create secret-sauce recipe for profound parasympathetic states, unprecedented rest and cellular repair.
I ‘ M S O G L A D Y O U ‘ R E H E R E . . .
A r e y o u r e a d y t o r e s t ?
T o l i v e a l i f e o f y o u r o w n m a k i n g , w i t h o u t t h e b u r n o u t ?
L e t ‘ s b e g i n w h e r e y o u a r e . . .
“This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.”
– Hafiz
The perfect antidote for modern life. This Psoas Love-soaked work delivers secret arsenal to profoundly reset your whole system. Here - we rest. Unapologetically.
Science meets soul to profoundly nourish the adrenals, liberate the psoas and rebuild the nervous system.
Experiential anatomy for daily life. Movement education, body-work, re-patterning, postural alignment & home practice development for deep flourishing.
Unleash your imagination! Movement, sound, art & play become allies to powerfully create the life you yearn for. Let your life be a masterpiece.