K Y L I A N ‘ S T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N S
W E L C O M E :
Hello and welcome to KYLIAN’s Terms and Conditions page. Maybe it’s not the most ‘exciting’ page on my website but it’s good for you to know this stuff and to know KYLIAN’s culture before signing up. She gets it. She encourages it. You’re doing a great service to your nervous system when you get well informed about this kind of (boring) stuff. Bravo you!
Please read KYLIAN’s Privacy Policy and the other terms referenced in this document carefully.
If you have any queries or concerns relating to anything at all on this page please contact Team KYLIAN HERE and we’ll be in touch just as soon as we finish our post-lunch nap.
Why not take this opportunity to sip your favourite beverage or lie down comfortably and listen to some relaxing music?
Okay, here we go…
A G R E E M E N T :
These terms and conditions form the agreement between KYLIAN (“us” “our” “we”) and our Customers and Clients (“you” “your”). This agreement commences when you purchase goods or enrol in the events and services below and continues until termination is made in accordance with these terms. We may update these terms and conditions from time to time, so we recommend that you re-visit this page to stay informed of any changes that are made. Any changes to our terms will only apply to new offerings that emerge and will never be changed during an existing program that is already running without direct email notification. No sneaky business. All out in the open. If you don’t like what you read – then either let us know or simply don’t buy from us. Easy.
P R I V A C Y P O L I C Y :
The privacy of KYLIAN’s customers is of utmost importance. Our Internet privacy policy is as follows:
1. You do not have to give us personal information to visit our site.
2. Your email address is collected only when you sign up for our goodies or proceed with online purchases. You may unsubscribe at any time.
3. Personal data is only collected to verify your address for delivery of goods, and to confirm you are the valid user of a given credit card. No data is collected without you first acknowledging you wish to supply this data.
4. We do not store your credit card details, all shopping is done real time, with a direct, secure connection from our site to our Merchant provider. We use a secure gateway connection and have a SSL certificate installed.
5. We will never sell or transfer any personal information to a third party.
O U R B U S I N E S S M O D E L | V I S I O N | T E R M S I N T R O :
We conduct our business services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind.
KYLIAN’s business model is founded on feminine values and steeped in feminist principles. It’s all about honesty, integrity and transparent human relating. Action comes from joy, care, ease and generosity.
I t ‘ s a b o u t c o – c r e a t i n g a w o r l d w e w a n t t o l i v e i n .
KYLIAN’s vision is of a world filled with well rested women. Her mission is to reach more women – everywhere – to interrupt the status quo and liberate humanity from the world of busy. She is here to support you to recognise yourself as the source of your lived experience (response to life) and to access the self-agency to co-create a life and world that you love. It’s an inside job. This is the stuff that cannot be outsourced any longer, sweetheart.
KYLIAN’s business is her art. Her art is her Medicine and gift to humanity and to life itself.
With 30 years experience as an educator and therapist she finally made the leap to working online. She sees lots of room for copycats – people wanting free expert education/support and the like. So here’s the deal:
G O O D F A I T H :
Everything on offer here on this website is a result and expression of KYLIAN’s lived experience, training, courage and strength. She brings all of it. All of herself to all of her work. Nothing here is copied from somewhere or someone else. She created it, she is the blueprint, she birthed and she owns it.
So if you choose to sign up and work with her – in person, in a group workshop or online – you can trust that you will receive great value and heart for your investment.
In the same way as you cannot go to see a therapist each week for 2-3 months and then ask for a refund on the fees paid for sessions you’ve had already had – we expect you to have the same appreciation for these lovingly crafted expert programs. None of them are pre-made, cookie-cutter mass-production style offerings (so far – haha). You will be working and relating directly with Kylian Martin and her collaborators and guest teachers, in ‘real-time’. These relationships are central to how KYLIAN works, to the core business values of KYLIAN. You get to work with her live throughout the journey/Mentorship/training/workshop/retreat/session/class. This is a co-creative relational process and contract. A human-to-human relationship and agreement upon purchase. As such all sales are final. We do not accept returns for these services once provided. Therefore no ‘full’ refund will be given for any of KYLIAN’s services or programs under any circumstances. However conditional partial refunds may apply. No problem. You can read about it in each section below. But once you’ve eaten your cake – you can’t ask for a refund at cafe KYLIAN.
As an ‘old-school’ entrepreneur KYLIAN is relatively new with her work to this digital space. But you should know that she has been working in her own business, educating and playing with humans as a Creative Arts Therapist and Somatic Educator for three decades. She has worked with thousands of people during that time. Lot’s of very happy customers, clients and students.
C U S T O M E R G U A R A N T E E :
It’s pretty simple really. KYLIAN personally stands by her products and services. Decades of expertise, condensed and translated into modern-day accessible online resources and courses. We think they’re awesome, and we guarantee you will too if you engage in them the way they are intended/instructed.
The thought of unhappy customers keeps Kylian up at night. Only joking, but seriously, call us on 0418 686 426 or send us an email at hello@kylian.com.au. We are here to help. If you’re unhappy with your purchase or experience for any reason, we want to make it right and give you the kind of service you’ll want to thank us for. Still need some reassurance or social proof that KYLIAN’s products qualify? THESE incredible testimonials speak volumes.
If you’re still unsure or you’re not totally satisfied with any part of your purchase or experience, please let us know. Because if you’re here reading this? You probably really need what KYLIAN offers. And she wants you to have it. It’s time.
“You will be in great hands. Kylian is compassionate, bold and spot-on in her coaching support. Some days I needed gentleness – others I needed to be challenged. I felt like I could bring anything to our sessions – and she could work with it. She wouldn’t let me flake-out. And her voice! Her words – like healing love letters… I listened to her audio’s every day – and still do. It’s like she’s right here with me.
The perfect combination: practical, restful, overwhelm-free tools; beautiful, soulful support – as well as theoretical, nerdy info – which I really need. I noticed an immediate shift in my pain levels, my anxiety and sleep. I now understand why I got so sick – and how to avoid another stress related burnout! I have loads more energy too. She has taught me things that I wish I knew 20 years ago! Who knew this stuff existed? My cells are grateful every day. “
– Rebecca Henry, Equestrian Centre Manager, Topanga, California
O N L I N E P R O G R A M S :
We conduct our business services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind.
- All sales are final. KYLIAN does not accept returns. This also means no credits. If you purchase then can’t attend you may transfer to a friend. Email us here.
- No ‘full’ refund will be given for any of KYLIAN’s value-packed programs under any circumstance.
- Before committing to KYLIAN’s programs be sure you are ready to rest and create a life that you ache for. Read the entire sales page carefully including the FAQ’s for the relevant product/event page. Be clear about the inclusions, platforms, commitment and dates for the event/offering.
- KYLIAN stands by her work and wholeheartedly believes in its power to restore, repair and rewire if you. If you participate fully in her expert content as instructed she believes you will be completely satisfied and become a devoted new fan. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied please email us here to discuss.
- KYLIAN is more interested in getting you well rested and having what you truly ache for than supporting you to resist and create more obstacles. So if you do have any issues with her or the product/service or extenuating circumstances reach out to us. She will talk to you about what’s in the way, and do all she can to get you back on track. She wants you to be free.
- If for some reason you are not enjoying her program/training/retreat – then please talk to her as soon as you can (during the event) – so we can endeavour to resolve the issue.
On occasion this deep work can initiate ‘resistance’ to show up. It’s helpful if KYLIAN knows whats going on for you so she can support you through it and get you back into the juicy process. Agreed? - If you fail to be in communication with KYLIAN about any issues you might be having and you cancel or break your Payment Agreement – your Membership and all content access will be frozen until all outstanding membership dues and late fees are paid up to date.
- If you absolutely want to leave then thats ok too. Kylian is a reasonable woman. We can discuss the options and make it happen. It’s here in writing. You will need to demonstrate and document in detail that you have engaged in and completed all coursework up to the date of your contact/complaint if you are to receive a partial refund. See the ‘WITHDRAWAL & PARTIAL REFUND’ section below.
- Withdrawing at any time or failure to complete and pay for the Teacher Training in its entirety means you will not be eligible to call yourself a DEEP REST® or PSOAS LOVE® Teacher, practitioner or coach, undertake certification or share or distribute any of the content delivered within the program. You will forfeit all rights to all content, materials and intellectual property delivered so far.
W I T H D R A W A L & P A R T I A L R E F U N D :
The Refund is conditional upon:
- your having fully participated in all Mentorship content, lessons, live calls and curriculum up until the date of your withdrawal.
- submission of your concerns/complaint as well as your thoroughly documented daily reflections and response for each step of the curriculum and daily practices; and
- returning all materials to us within ten days.
Once we receive all of the above from you, and if we can see that you have met these conditions, a refund will be processed using the payment gateway through which payment was made, within ten business days.
If you notify us of your intention to withdraw prior to the end of Month 3 of the RESTORE Mentorship, you will receive a refund of funds paid, or a release of the obligation to continue to pay, less the amount of $1000.00 (which will be retained by us to cover the cost of the services and admin already provided to you) plus any payment gateway fees.
If you withdraw from KYLIAN’s Mentorship after month 3 you must pay all fees if any are still owing for the course.
REFUND – Teacher Training
If you notify us of your intention to withdraw prior to the end of Month 9 of the Teacher Training Mentorship Foundation you will receive a refund of funds paid, or a release of the obligation to continue to pay, less an amount calculated by the Monthly amount to the date of your withdrawal request, minimum of $1000 (which will be retained by us to cover the cost of the services and admin already provided to you) plus any payment gateway fees.
Any withdrawal requests thereafter (9 months) will be declined as we will then be moving into confidential material for full fee paying trainees access only.
You understand that if necessary KYLIAN will engage the services of a Debt Collection Agency to attain any owed fees from your training tuition that are outstanding and that if this is required you will be liable for the agency fees charged to do this. We reserve the right to remove you from the Teacher Training if you are in arrears and/or failing to be in communication with us about owed funds. You will be reinstated at any time you pay your owed fees.
Withdrawing at any time means you will not be eligible to call yourself a DEEP REST® or PSOAS LOVE® Teacher, practitioner or coach, undertake certification or share or distribute any of the content delivered within the program. You will forfeit all rights to all content, materials and intellectual property.
L A T E W I T H D R A W A L :
- If you withdraw from KYLIAN’s Mentorship after month 3 or the Teacher Training after month 9 you must pay all fees if any are still owing for the course.
- You acknowledge that if necessary, KYLIAN will engage the services of a Debt Collection Agency to attain any owed fees from your course tuition that are outstanding and that if this is required you will be liable for the agency fees charged to do this. We reserve the right to remove you from KYLIAN’s Mentorship or Teacher Training if you are in arrears and/or failing to be in communication with us about owed funds. You will be reinstated at any time you pay your owed fees. No removal from the course without communication and opportunities to liaise with us regarding your owed fees will take place.
L I V E E V E N T S :
We conduct our business services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind (or because your circumstances have changed).
- All sales are final. KYLIAN does not accept returns. This also means no credits. If you purchase then can’t attend you may transfer to a friend. Simply let team Kylian know so we can be in touch with your friend about event preparation. Email us here.
- No ‘full’ refund will be given for any of KYLIAN’s live programs under any circumstance.
- up to 7 days notice: full refund less processing 50%.
- less than 1 weeks notice: no refund will be given unless your place can be filled. If it is filled you will receive a 50% refund.
- Before committing to KYLIAN’s live events be sure you are ready to rest and create a life that you ache for. Be clear about the inclusions, platforms, commitment and dates for the event/offering.
- If for some reason you are not enjoying her workshop/program/training/retreat – then please talk to her as soon as you can (during the event) – so we can endeavour to resolve the issue.
On occasion this deep work can initiate ‘resistance’ to show up. It’s helpful if KYLIAN knows whats going on for you so she can support you through it and get you back into the juicy process. Agreed? - KYLIAN is more interested in getting you well rested and having what you truly ache for than supporting you to resist and create more obstacles. So if you do have any issues with her or the product/service or extenuating circumstances reach out to us. She will talk to you about what’s in the way, and do all she can to get you back on track. She wants you to be free.
I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S & C O P Y R I G H T :
Ever heard of Karma? Well, plagiarism isn’t cool. Nor is bad Karma…
To paraphrase: if you use any of my work, words, inspo, content from this site (or my products or events) without written permission or properly crediting me or my contributors – you are setting yourself up for some bad Karma and a lawsuit.
This Site and all the materials available on the Site are the property of KYLIAN and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. The Site is provided solely for your personal noncommercial use. You may not use the Site or the materials available on the Site in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights or that has not been authorised by KYLIAN. More specifically, unless explicitly authorised in these Terms and Conditions or by the owner of the materials, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any material from the Site. You may, however, from time to time, download and/or print one copy of individual pages of the Site for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.
Any citation of KYLIAN’s essays, ideas, or words in your communication (such as on your website, in your own newsletter, social media accounts, or other materials) must include proper crediting and attribution: quotation marks, Kylian’s full name, and a link to her website.
Thank you for your honesty and integrity.
- Here at KYLIAN we love our clients and customers. We’re here to hear you and help.
- Our policy is to answer all email and phone inquiries promptly, usually within 24 working hours.
- Our priority is to ensure your satisfaction with our service.
- Our Mission is to make it easy and joyful for you and for us.
- If you have any questions regarding your order or if you feel unsure about anything on this page or website please contact us.
- KYLIAN’s online store accepts payment via Stripe, Paypal and all major credit cards including VISA, MASTERCARD and BANKCARD. Unfortunately we cannot accept COD (Cash on Delivery), money orders, cheques or direct deposits unless a special arrangement has been made.
- Upon booking there is generally a payment in full option only. For larger projects such as the Mentorship and Teacher Training a payment plan is set up.
- Larger commitment such as the Mentorship and Teacher Training have their own Terms, Conditions and Agreements which will be forwarded to you after sign-up. If for any reason you decide not to go ahead and sign those agreements you will be refunded your monies less a $50 processing fee.
All prices are quoted in Australian Dollars ($AUD) and all transactions are processed in Australian Dollars ($AUD). All prices are correct at the time of online publication. Prices are subject to change without notice. All items are promoted in good faith to be available at the time of ordering. Sale items are only available at the lower price during the sale period. Unforeseen supply problems or unexpected demand may occasionally result in stock being unavailable. We reserve the right to correct any printing errors.
- Product orders are processed in-house at KYLIAN. Shipping via Australia Post within 10 days of the date the order was Processed (payment taken).
- It may take up to 2 working days for an order to be Processed from the time of placement.
- See below for full Shipping and Deliver details.
Replacement of damaged goods
- If the goods are found to be faulty or damaged on arrival, we will replace them upon receiving a description of the damage. In some instances we will require a photo of the damaged goods. We will also require your assistance in returning the goods to us. Please repack the damaged goods and phone email info@kylian.com.au to organise their collection. Where there is no fault on your behalf we will refund the cost of the goods, including all shipping costs.
- In the instance where a refund is granted, refunds will only be processed once the product has been received in AS NEW condition and approved by KYLIAN.
- Cancellations must be made within 24 hours of submitting your order.
- After 24 hours a cancellation fee of 10% of the order or a maximum of $50 will apply to cover admin. If delivery has been made, the customer must return the product, at his or her own expense, and the refund will be made upon KYLIAN receiving the return product, in its original packaging, in AS NEW condition and with the original receipt.
- Please note: Refunds can take up to 10 working days to show up on your bank or credit card statement. This is a condition of the financial institutions involved
- KYLIAN delivers throughout Australia and Internationally.
Our unique system of calculating shipping costs allows us to offer you the most competitive and accurate shipping rates without any hidden costs. We pride ourselves on quick processing of orders allowing us to get your goods fast. - The web site will automatically compute delivery costs. For very large orders we may have to contact you with a shipping price quote. We will not ship without first receiving your acceptance of the quote.
- Most orders within Australia are sent by Australia Post.
- Orders outside Australia are sent by International Express Post airmail or by the TNT international air express service. Tracking numbers are provided.
Please call 0418 686 426 or email info@kylian.com.au to arrange special orders or payments.
Delivery Delays
Unforeseen supply problems or unexpected demand may occasionally result in stock being temporarily unavailable. Should there be a delay in dispatching your order we will contact you within 2 days to advise you of the reason for the delay. You may cancel such an order at any time prior to processing.
The cost of goods and freight charged by KYLIAN includes the cost of delivery to your designated address only. Please note that international orders my attract import duties or local taxes payable upon delivery. In some cases a small administration fee for handling these payments may also be charged by the delivery company. It is the responsibility of the customer to pay these costs. For information on likely additional duty and taxes, please contact your local government authority. Our advise is that most countries do not charge duty and taxes for invoiced amounts less than USD300.00
In some cases KYLIAN may vary these arrangements by negotiation and with the agreement of the customer. For example – for very large orders we may sometimes arrange to ship by sea freight charging the customer for delivery to the nearest port only (known as CIF terms). Unloading, port handling, customs clearance costs and duty and taxes are to paid by the customer in the country of delivery.
Email: info@kylian.com.au
Telephone: 0418 686 426
International: +61 418 686 426
Address: 5 Warrambool Rd,
Ocean Shores NSW 2483
ABN: 945 071 302 80
This website is Australian Based.