I’ve put together a little collection of resources that you can access for free here.
So you can get a taste of how it might feel when you work with me:
Sweet audio’s, a video I made for people finding it difficult to rest (especially say at Christmas),
a looooong luscious playlist of some of my favourite ambient rest tunes
and a few printable Kylian Quotes and a Permission-slip, to rest…
All in one place for you.
And if you sign up to my mailing list you will get a beautiful audio gift with some great tips on how to rest and release your psoas in my lush version of Constructive Rest Position.
Just click the pic of what you’d like and it will automatically take you to the link. Enjoy. ♡
Begin here, sweetheart.
Welcome. Juuuuust as you are.
Ambient Deep Rest Music
How to Rest in difficult times.
The ultimate list to interrupt the cultural status quo.
Sign up for my beautiful Reset Audio.
S L O W D O W N .
R E S T U N A P O L O G E T I C A L L Y .
R E C O G N I S E T H E S I G N S O F S T R E S S & A C T I V A T I O N .
M A K E A M E N D S W I T H Y O U R B O D Y .
R E N E W Y O U R S E L F – C A R E V O W S .
R E C A L I B R A T E T O A S U S T A I N A B L E , H U M A N P A C E .
R E P L E N I S H Y O U R A D R E N A L S .
C U L T I V A T E Y O U R P A R A S Y M P A T H E T I C C A P A C I T Y .
T R A N S F O R M Y O U R S L E E P Q U A L I T Y .
P R O F O U N D L Y R E S E T Y O U R N E R V O U S S Y S T E M .
Praise for these free resources:
“Beautiful Kylian…I listened as I am resting in bed before sleep… thank you…” – Alima, Soundcloud
“I’m listening now, I use guided meditation daily and I will run this for A few weeks. Keep you posted, on its impact, however,
I love your words and tranquility of your voice 🙏🙏🙏” – Glenn Selig
“Your sweetest and most simple reminder at the end invoked a cascade of tears.
I hadn’t realised I had been holding myself at such a distance….a beautiful realisation to feel. Thankyou x” – Kristie Kelly
“Perfect! ❤️” – Belinda Lloyd
“Oh how I love what you are saying here … thnak you, again.” – Janet McGeever
“Kylian’s voice is soothing and her guidance invaluable for Meditators of all levels.
I use it often. Doing the practice brings me right into the moment, and my stress simply dissolves.
It soothes my busy mind and creates a feeling of such acceptance, safety and self-love. A gift.” – Kimberley Roberts, Your Peace Within
“Love ya work 🦋” – Annie Radha Holcombe
“Your online Deep Rest retreat was a game changer for me. So powerful. I love that you made it accessible online because I live in woop woop – so thank you for expanding into this realm!” – Avalon Darnesh
“Luv the playlist… especially with my legs on pillows etc… 💖💖💖” – Marilyn Be
“Thank you for being so real and raw so that we can now learn from what’s not working for us/me and re wire our system to finally heal inside and out!! Such wisdom Kylian! xx” – Sarita Veitch
“Nourishing guidance … yuuuuuummmmm” – Rahima Sue Lansdown
“Just wanted to let you know I saved this link but only just today listened… while resting my lower back with heat lying on my lounge room floor!
Perfect words to meditate. Some big transitions going on in my and my childrens life right now, 3yo injured and required operation (but all fine now) and then I strained my back.
I’m focused on rest and releasing my psoas. But your reminder to trust and receive support from those around and from the world, and my body/life /energy..to have faith and let go and just rest.
Just be. That was very powerful for me today. So thank you!
I also really enjoyed your voice, pace and your small chuckles. Just right.” – Alexandra MacGibbon
“You have inspired me to take an unabashed approach in listening to my nervous system. Self care as a priority. I love it. Imagine what else is possible once I understand it even more!!! – Lisa Bakarich
“I REALLY REALLY need to learn how to rest.” – Syd Geary
“My beautiful evolutionary Creatress, you are living the evolution of the work and that’s so perfect.
Having you come into my life has been so much a part of my own healing and moving forward on my path
– so often I can hear you saying ‘can you just let yourself have it? Can you let it be easy?’ And those questions have truly transformed my life,
as have the deep rest practices. I can’t wait to continue this journey with you, dearest woman. <3″ – Ninsídhe Moon
“Jeez. You’re just a total inspiration in everything you do!!!!” – Lisa Grant
“I see in you a natural honest deep human being with a big heart. Your messages and fotos show that to me . Also you remind me to rest and love myself . Just B.” – Janine Cruijsberg
“Your daily posts of rest for me is a necessary reminder for self inquiry. Rest is not something i do well! I have often thought about writing to you to thankyou
for your ongoing humaness and support in times when i feel like I cant even breathe!! I am grateful to you for allowing me permission to “REST” when i most need it.
Thankyou for what your work does for me! ❤️💤” – Kath Newman