F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s :
T h i s p r o g r a m i s f o u n d e d o n f e m i n i n e v a l u e s a n d f e m i n i s t p r i n c i p l e s :
What’s included in the Mentorship? (for more detail see “What is the commitment and structure?”)
- QUARTERLY 1:1 call/session with Kylian (4 x 1 hour)
- Intimate in-depth 12 month mastery immersion with Kylian.
- Access Kylian’s entire body of work content for 12 months.
- Expert content: reading, inquiry, video lessons & practice.
- Monthly Zoom group calls (x12).
- BONUS videos of Kylian’s interviews with the guest teachers.
- LIVE calls with the expert guest teachers.
- Membership site.
- Virtual DEEP REST® Retreats.
- Optional private FB group membership and support.
- Hang out with me for a whole year. I’ll teach you everything I know.
- 50% off 1 live event.
I’m curious: what will we actually be ‘doing’ during RESTORE?
- Less than usual. Slower. Slow movement. Slow living. More intentional. Juicier.
- You’ll experience the work directly, through the body. And reading some amazing theory too.
- You’ll get email updates informing you that theres new lessons in the Membership Site.
- Listen to beautiful recordings of Kylian, watch her video lessons, read her PDF’s and embark on a deeply healing self-inquiry and journalling process all lovingly and expertly crafted for you.
- Once it’s in the Membership site you have access for the entire Mentorship period. Sweet!
- Sitting in circle (live calls) with extraordinary guest teachers who are leading experts in their field to discuss all things psoas, nervous system, feminine values, feminist ecology, the legacy of trauma, resiliency and recovery, deep relaxation, mindfulness, self-compassion, women’s biochemistry, brain plasticity, menopause, anxiety, sensitivity, adrenal health and other sacred women’s business.
- All the stuff that cultivates calming parasympathetic hormones and regulates the nervous system.
- Listening more deeply, checking in with yourself. A lot. Spending less time doing things that deplete you and more that bring you joy. Every day.
- Upping the dial on your pleasure preference and your truth-telling and boundaries.
- Spending time in bed other than sleeping and sexing. We. Will. Rest. Because you can.
- There will be silence, solo time for nature, walks or naps.
- Online group conversations for support, sharing, witnessing and championing one another.
- You’ll be tending to your sleep hygiene and improving your sleep quality in ways you never imagined.
- Re-arranging your physical spaces – like setting up the perfect sleep sanctuary and work space – to deeply support the work.
- Sitting, working, walking, standing, moving in ways that nourish and cultivate structural and functional integrity.
- There will be a occasional optional mini-retreats (aka pyjama pampering sessions) – where we lush it up with lavish body-rituals whilst sipping tea and THEN rest. Oh. My. God. (They don’t call Kylian “The Queen of Lush” for nothing!)
- There will be playlists with the most exquisite atmospheric tracks that will help you drop deeeeeep.
- You will be invited to enjoy some gentle (or wild) dance and movement to shake off your day, get grounded and come home to the body.
- There will be silence. There will be digital detoxes. Invitations to write and paint and walk and scream and cry and nap and sing and express in whatever medium that will truly support your transformation and healing.
- Basically – its über lush AND über spacious. After all – who needs any stress or overwhelm, right
What topics will we cover?
Kylian’s year-long curriculum is very juicy. It’s somatically based so it transforms us at the deepest level:
If you feel you need a more comprehensive Curriculum please email team KYLIAN.
- Somatic Education
- Safety
- Slow
- Adrenals
- Feminine Principles
- Womens Bio-Chemistry
- Sacro-Iliac Care
- Sleep Rescue
- Nervous System
- Highly Sensitive
- Protection
- Sitting Well
- Standing Desk
- Fascia
- The Fluid-Body
- Play & Re-Patterning
- Pandiculation
- Deep Rest®
- Psoas Love®
- Trauma
- Functional Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra & Self-Regulation
- Deep Self-Care
- Mindfulness
What can I expect to learn or experience during RESTORE?
- Experience the joy of slowing down and doing/being more of what you love.
- The science of safety, sensitivity and sensory processing.
- How to listen more deeply to the messages of your body and Nervous System.
- Make amends (with yourself) and renew your self-care vows.
- Get to the source of your burn-out. Find resolution.
- Reduce stress, self-regulate and cultivate profound parasympathetic states.
- Embody ‘restful’ movement and dynamic rest. It’s a departure from ‘holding’ and over working in life and in movement.
- Experience really looooong sloooow deeeeeep relaxation as well as the quick power-nap. Both are valuable. You get to choose.
- Why sitting is wreaking havoc on our health. I demystify this and give you groundbreaking tools so you can work/sit and stay well.
- How to sit and work in ways that don’t harm you or exacerbate your conditions.
- How to set up your own DIY standing desk and to transition to a ‘dynamic’ work life that doesn’t hurt your body or nervous system.
- Protect yourself from increasingly harmful technology and EMF’s (5G is coming and its not good darling).
- Repair your sleep and soothe your anxiety. Life-changing stuff.
- Experience playful re-patterning tools – designed to discombobulate your system and enable radical shifts, re-wiring and cellular repair.
- Deliciously nourishing, creative and insightful ways to explore, and integrate the work.
- We will explore various tools for refection, inquiry and integration to help you map and anchor the work we cover together.
- I’ll support you get underneath the burnout cycle and resolve it for good.
- We will get your adrenals healthy and plump and you will never go back to adrenal fatigue.
What will I be left with after RESTORE?
- You can expect to be deeply changed afterwards, sweetheart. This is about quantum healing.
- The kinds of results and feedback I get from women I’ve worked with include (and I quote): vastly improved sleep, a lot less pain and anxiety, more clarity and energy, less stressed, more time for being, feeling less defined by their trauma, that they are enough, that they belong, that their needs matter, and that on and on it goes….
You will feel different, better. In your hips, in your bones, in your heart. Because locating structural and functional integrity in the way you think, move, work and relate just feeeeels better.
Your parasympathetic response will be significantly increased.
You will be able to relax with ease, regulate and stay out of a stress response as you move through your days and week.
You’ll have a renewed sense of devotion and care for yourself and your body. You will relate through a lens of feminine values (deep listening and compassion) rather than critical, overriding masculine values.
There will be no more burn-out. Because you will have gotten to the source, recognised how you got here (again) and changed the way you ‘do’ life. Promise.
- This kind of nutritious rest and anatomy-smarts in daily life stuff will be integrated into your lifestyle. It won’t be something you have to schedule in ever again. It’ll be non-negotiable and inseparable from you and the rest of your life – like breathing.
- Expect to be deeply rested and resourced when we are done. Perhaps even unrecognisable (and inspiring) to those who know and love you.
- Some years from now you will meet a future version of yourself who thanks you for making the very overdue changes you made in our year together.
I understand that DEEP REST® is the foundation of RESTORE. What are the benefits of DEEP REST®:
- Induces the relaxation response necessary for cellular repair.
- As we un-flood our system of stress hormones things begin to self-repair: sleep improves, fatigue subsides, inflammation and pain reduces, menopause symptoms ease, the gut starts to heal, brain-fog lifts, libido and energy return, clarity increases – just to mention a few.
- Nourishes the adrenals, resets and regulates the nervous system.
- Dramatically improves sleep quality.
- Develops self-regulation and parasympathetic response.
- Calms a busy mind, dissolves overwhelm and reduces anxiety.
- Cultivates awareness and the capacity for stillness.
- Alleviates chronic and acute pain.
- Cultivates the fluid-body to increase mobility, cohesion ease and suppleness.
- Boosts the immune system.
- Slows the ageing process.
- Regulates hormones to make things like menopause more doable.
- Improves digestion and a host of other stress related ailments.
Who’s the RESTORE Mentorship for?
- Women who are exhausted, stuck in a burn-out cycle or live with adrenal fatigue.
- Women in recovery.
- Highly Sensitive introverts.
- Women recovering from Trauma, PTSD or illness.
- Women living with chronic or recurring illness and auto-immune disease.
- Menopausal and peri-menopausal women.
- Women prone to anxiety or overwhelm.
- Women who craaaave better Sleep (without big pharma): insomniacs, broken or light sleepers.
- Women in pain with sacro-iliac or pelvic instability, tight or painful hips, groin, chronic lower back or neck pain.
- Highly stressed women (who maybe don’t know it.)
- Women who sit or drive a lot – or who work on a computer or who are mostly desk-bound or sedentary.
- Women who are ready to create a hand-made life that really belongs to them. Women who are (beyond) ready to rest, replenish and rewire.
- Women who keep getting blocked by their health issues…
- Entrepreneurs, busy, A-type women who struggle to stop, switch-off or wind down. This is a MUST for you, sweetheart.
- Practitioners who are readying to teach this work (this Mentorship is the foundation of the Teacher Training).
Who’s it NOT for for?
- You’re busy, I get it. So I have made this as overwhelm free as possible. But if you are not willing to cross a few things off your to-do? To make even just a little space around things to do this? This is not for you.
- If you are not teachable: if you want to fight for your limitations and resist rest, victimise yourself or shame others for having it. This is not for you.
- If you want me to do the work for you? Nope.
- Men. This is not for you. Sorry guys. I love working with men too! But this one offering is only for women. You can work with me by attending my workshops or 1:1 sessions.
What is the commitment and structure for the RESTORE Mentorship?
T h i s p r o g r a m i s f o u n d e d o n f e m i n i n e v a l u e s a n d f e m i n i s t p r i n c i p l e s :
The commitment can’t be measured metrically. It’s not a linear process. So it’s more of a question of commitment to yourself. How much do you want it? How willing are you to commit to yourself and backing yourself for a whole year which will likely change the trajectory of your life forever, darling?
This work is not another to-do. It is a mindset, a lens, a framework and a way of being. An approach to living.
Your ‘results’ will be in direct proportion to your commitment and participation, no doubt. And some of you will completely renovate your lives and go all out with this. Others will find it a challenge to bring the simplest principles and explorations in. Kylian assures you that even as you mother and work and sleep and make the meeting and cook the meal – you will get what you need from this work. What you are ready for. You gotta trust the process…
- RESTORE is a year-long program from the 1st January to 31st Dec 2020.
- It’s a virtual Women’s Mastery group where you get to work in real-time with Kylian as well as have access to her digital resources.
- We arrive, get oriented, find our ground, then begin. It’s all about slowing the tempo to get to the source of our exhaustion and truly rest. We gently begin to show up in ways that support us make the big changes we yearn for our lives.
- You get 4 individual sessions with Kylian (one each quarter or so) which can be face-to-face, video or phone calls.
- There will be monthly scheduled ZOOM calls which follow the moon cycle and curriculum (Up to 2 hours) as well as extra calls as required to address specific issues that arise between our monthly calls.
- Clearly marked course content will be easy to access in the Membership Site – without needing to join the FB community. Perfect for the lone-wolf, digital-detoxer and highly sensitive introvert.
- You will get emails to notify you when new content becomes available. Sweet.
- While it’s somatically based the delivery includes various media including downloadable PDF’s you can print and read offline (the theory), sweet audios you can listen to either on-the-go or laying on your bed, instructional videos to optimise your rest/practice/posture as we work through the juicy curriculum.
- Kylian will offer a lush Virtual DEEP REST® Retreat during each quarter: You can do it solo, in a yurt in the forest, at home or in a luxe hotel room. Loads of solo off-line time for long stretches of sleep, napping, making wholesome food, journaling, soaking in the bath and self pampering however that looks for you. Sounds heavenly, right? I promise you will be purring like a cat.
- Although there will be many shared reasons for signing up, we will all have varying needs. Some of you will be utterly exhausted, in chronic pain or totally burnt-out. Others will be in dire need of nutritious Sleep or desperately seeking ways to ease your anxiety. Maybe all of these at once. Given this is a dense body of work it can take time to get to the parts you really need now. So, you will fill out the application questionnaire to inform me of where you are and what you need most urgently. You’ll also get to talk to me 1:1 at the beginning so I can meet you personally and hear your story to determine what you need from the work as we begin. This is how I always work. With 1:1 clients and in workshops and retreats. This informs where I begin with a few introductory group lessons where I cover the critical parts of the work so you get what you need right up. That way – you get to make the really necessary changes from the beginning instead of waiting for the parts that are most relevant to you personally.
How do we access the online content and lessons?
The entire content will be contained within a beautiful Membership site, so you don’t have to go near social media. (I can hear the collective sigh of relief). There will also be a secret Facebook group which is optional for a deliciously supportive womens community between our group calls. So if you are a total non-social media introvert or get overwhelmed easily you can bypass ALL that and simply access the lessons in the Membership site to do your own process. Easy.
You will have full access to all course materials and resources during our time together.
Group calls will happen on another platform called Zoom. It is also easy. (It’s all about ease). You simply download the app and when I post the link to the call in the module you click on it and you’re in. You get to work directly with me!
Also – you can watch the replays if you can’t make a live video call. Easy.
What if I love it and decide to switch to the Teacher Training?
This will definitely be the case for some women. That’s why Ive made it possible to transfer to the Teacher Training up to month 9 of the Mentorship.
Assuming there are spaces and you are accepted (if you are participating fully and loving it I can’t see why not) then team KYLIAN will assist you in getting caught up in a way that doesn’t overwhelm you.
What are the Payment options?
This is my life’s work. It’s gold. Nothing like it exists. Anywhere. It’s a year-long program. It includes over 200+ hours of teaching contact and live group calls with Kylian, guest teachers contribution, 1:1 sessions with Kylian, video, audio and reading content. You also get 50% off a live event if you can make one up to 6 months after RESTORE (valued at $225AUD). This is incredible value for expert content by a renowned senior educator and therapist with 30 years experience teaching.
- If you decide to do the Mentorship it’s a one-off payment of $3990 AUD ($2713 US).
- Payment plan is $379 AUD ($257 US) per month for 12 payments.
And it is incredible value for money. I’ll teach you everything I know, I’ll support you lovingly and ferociously all the way for 12 months. For like…. $19.90 AUD per hour. Hellloooooo?!
Together we will complete a life changing year-long process. You get access to all of my work for the year and hang out with me and some amazing luminaries. Live coaching and teaching and juju with me. For a whole year!
That is amazing value. I have worked with women who’ve spent that amount within 2 months to get what they needed.
What you don’t get in the Mentorship is the rights or license to duplicate, share or teach any of my work. It is not a training. It is for your personal use only.
If you want to share, duplicate or teach any of my work/content – you MUST do the Teacher Training.
What about the different timezones?
My timezone is Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT+11).
My intention is that time zones will be largely irrelevant during this online gathering because most content will be explored in your own time, at your own pace. The primary obstacle can be the live call times – including those with guest teachers. So once you are all signed up I will look at the timezones and be sure to vary the live calls so that all women around the world are equally welcomed and included. It seems that when I do love calls early morning (6 or 7am) or evening (6-9pm) my time it seems to work for the times on the other side of the globe too.
You will have advance warning for live calls and gust teaching – so you can make the calls you really want to participate in, even if its a weird time. Alternatively all calls will be recorded so you can watch later at a time that works for you. How’s that sound?
I work with people via Skype and zoom and FB live all the time and we just make it work.
Do I need any special materials to do RESTORE?
While there are some practices that use minimal practices and many of the more daily-life/anatomical and functional movement stuff require none – the lush rest and Psoas work requires specific props to lush it up and expedite deep calm and cellular repair. So I have made a list for you to consider and so you can prepare in advance after you sign up. Many of the props I can help with – either I sell them in my online store or I will provide links, stockists and suggestions for purchase. You will get a list and links once you sign up, so relaaaax.
When I taught 97 Women women to rest online in my first ever world-wide virtual retreat we did it without special props because I wanted it to be accessible – just pillows, bed and household items. We improvised. It was amazing!
Buuuut, given we will be working for a whole year (18 months for Trainees), and I will be teaching you the more therapeutic and technical aspects of my work you’ll need other quality props. If you don’t invest you may be able to improvise, sure, but you will not experience the fullness this work has to offer. Trust me, you will be disappointed and confused because I will be teaching and instructing you based on the full props list. It’s an investment but you will be glad you did.
If you sign up early then great you have loads of time to source them. If you sign up close to our start date don’t panic! We won’t need all props right away.
PROPS: THE BASIC ESSENTIALS – (some will be re-stocked in my shop real soon)
– A bed
– 2-3 blankets (with a bit of weight to them)
– 1 x (fluffy) bath towel. (not bath sheet – they are too big)
– An eye pillow or soft dark cotton sock
– Sand bags (max of 2.5kg each) up to 6 bags ideal (I will have pre-filled (for locals) and Fill-yourself bags (very affordable) for sale soon. I have the size, ratio, fabric and weight formula down to an art)
– FIRM Yoga Bolster
– 2 Yoga blocks
– Yoga mat or thick squishy pilates mat
– Soft (not firm) foam roller (you can use a rolled up yoga mat but seriously this is work the investment
– Extra blankets or doona for warmth if in cold climate
– Hot water bottle
– 25cm (approx) Gertie ball
– Squash ball
– Yoga strap or long scarf (particularly for women with hip, psoas or lower back pain)
– delicious, stretchy pj’s and socks. Warm layers if it’s cold
Yum. ♡
What happens after I sign up?
- You will receive a receipt and a love-soaked Welcome email from Kylian within a week of signing up.
- You might notice things begin to shift for you. It might be subtle or it might be like, BOOM! The motive, the sheer relief, and the ‘act’ of committing to ourselves in this way always creates a shift, an opening. So something new or unexpected often shows up. It might not be what you think.
- A little closer to our start date you will also receive my foundational e-book which is an introduction to Somatic Learning Online. It explains ‘how’ I work and shares how I translated working with live with flesh-and-bone women to working online. It’s a bit like a pre-course induction and ‘orientation’ process. And you’ll get to know me a bit better before we begin.
- You will also receive access to the Beautiful RESTORE Membership site and FB group. Team Kylian will email you with techy stuff to make sure you are all up and running before we officially begin January 1st.
- You will need to book your very first 1:1 with Kylian via a booking link. First in best dressed.
- All in good time. Nice and slow. Easy.
- Oh, and for the last-minute late-comers who sign up 5 minutes before New Year strikes? You’ll get all the above in an info-pack type email just as soon as you register. So if you’re on the fence. No problem. (Love you guys.)
- So just relaaaax… There’s nothing you need to do.
Do you have a refund policy?
Yes. Please read Kylian’s Terms and Conditions.
This program is not a substitute for Medical advice or Clinical Therapy. Whilst every care is taken to support you through this process we are not mental health experts. Please consult with a qualified health professional if you have any concerns or question.
Oh. My God! This is puuurrrrfect!