
2 0 2 1   C A L E N D A R :


Based in the subtropical Byron Bay hinterland – Kylian offers 1:1 sessions and online courses and retreats. She also travels across the continent, facilitating juicy workshops. Once we arrive on the other side of covid she will also teach around the world. If you live far away, you can work with her via Skype video link up, where she does remote sessions, courses and packages. She also creates luxury retreats for 1 – 8 people.

She is taking bookings for new clients sessions from October 2021.

Her delicious online offerings will return soon, so watch this space.



Redefine rest | Renew your self-care vows | Rest unapologetically.
Without the guilt or sacrificing your own care.

Y o u   a r e   w o r t h y   o f   y o u r   o w n   s e l f – c a r e   a n d   d e v o t i o n .

S I M P L I C I T Y    |    S P A C I O U S N E S S     |    S L O W    |    R E S T F U L


Recognise and tend to your own needs in new ways.
The way you move, the way you breathe, the way you live, work and love.

How might your life, health and future look then, sweetheart?

Go HERE to read more.




B Y R O N   B A Y   |   S Y D N E Y   |   M E L B O U R N E   |   S W E D E N   |   I T A L Y   |   N E T H E R L A N D S

Often misunderstood and controversial – the Psoas is more enigmatic than any other muscle in the human body. With good reason, people are paying attention…


Release, replenish, repair and thrive. . . PSOAS LOVE® will show you how.

If the main conversation of the psoas is of a disruption in the system, what is your Psoas communicating to you?

PSOAS LOVE® is a brave and potent body of work. Kylian demystifies this ‘holy grail’ – by interrupting the status quo with her love-soaked teaching. A unique cross-pollination of somatic education, deep rest, playful repatterning and soulful inquiry – hydrates your whole system and regulates the nervous system. Overwhelm-free, experiential anatomy – applicable to everyday life – shows you how to move and sit with integrity – to avoid exacerbating a host of conditions that show up in the Psoas.

Her deliciously revolutionary and non-intrusive Psoas releases – bring profound and instant relief. This work cultivates coherency and resiliency, and redefines ‘self-care’. It shows us stuff we instinctively know – but have forgotten. Once we ‘get out of the way’ – the body regenerates on a cellular level, pain and illness dissolve – and life gets more spacious and easeful. So you get to live life on your own terms.


It’s all about the Love, baby…

You can experience this profound, revolutionary work in 1:1 sessions and coaching packages, workshops and courses.


Kylian has been teaching these juicy workshops for 6 years across Australia. We dive in deep to embody, integrate and nourish the “muscle of the soul”…

Feel the Love, baby.






This is about way more than rest. It‘s about dissolving the calcification that keeps you sick, depleted, exhausted.

You‘ll learn things that plug you in to your regenerative super–powers, nourish your biology AND your soul.

And when we heal ourselves, we heal the collective.

It‘s time to lay exhaustion to rest & midwife the life you ache for, sweetheart.

GO HERE to read about it and SIGN UP.





Do you feel called to teach this beautiful work?

It’s about way more than just teaching people to rest for a few hours in a class.
It is a pre-emptive strike AND it presses LOVE into all the right places.
It teaches you to enable little miracles to occur.
For yourself, your beloveds, and your community.

This highly anticipated training gives you access to my secret-sauce methodology and teachings. A synthesis of 20+ years of professional and personal blood, sweat and tears, teaching people to rest, working with women in trauma recovery, and the lessons from my own brutal breakdown in 2011 followed by my deeeep slow-cook recovery.

I have worked with thousands of people and witnessed lives transform. I am now ready to lead you to do the same…

Spaces will be limited. 18 month Mastery. I will teach you everything I know.

Will you join me?

There is an Application Process. It will sell out.

GO HERE to read about it and apply.





Women’s Online DEEP REST®  Course and Retreat

F O R   W O M E N   W H O   A C H E   T O   R E S T .
Women who have depleted themselves beyond measure.

Women who are burnt-out, running on empty or who’ve seen the writing on the wall.
Women who are busy taking care of everyone else…
It’s time sweetheart. To make amends and finally learn to REALLY rest.

Together we will reclaim our natural feminine tempo:  S L O W .
This 14-day virtual DEEP REST® journey will redefine what it means to rest.

You’ll receive expert teaching, and love-soaked virtual support to rest more deeply than you thought possible.

With Kylian. The Queen of Rest.

In January, 95 women from 13 countries came together to rest.
It was incredible. 

There will be another opportunity mid-year.
Here’s what women said:


“Omg….Im in heaven”

“Did this one today – it’s so fucking yummy!!!”

“What a beautiful gift this work is.”

If you want updates be sure to join Kylian’s mailing list HERE.






These classes are a combo of DEEP REST® and PSOAS LOVE® Nervous System Repair…

Sound good?

suptabadha slider


Sunday is traditionally a day of rest. But we’ve forgotten how to rest. To ‘unplug’ from modern life. Modern life has us tethered to technology, the brain is always-on, we sleep less, and we are flooded with stress hormones. Yes, our nervous systems are feeling the effects….

And we are in trouble.

These sessions will calm your brain and reset your Para Sympathetic Nervous System for profound relaxation and cellular repair…

Stress related illness is on the rise at an alarming rate. It’s an epidemic. Anxiety, adrenal fatigue, physical pain, sleep and digestive and autoimmune disorders – and a host of other diseases…

Kylian’s Sunday DEEP REST® sessions are the perfect antidote for modern life. Gently moving you out of a stress response and into a deeeeeeeply restful place. It plugs you in to the innate regenerative powers of your body – creating new possibilities for your health and life. When you reset the nervous system and cultivate sympathetic capacity – you become resilient, and the body restores on a cellular level. All. By. Itself. Pain and illness dissolve – so you stay juicy and mobile as you age. It’s a new paradigm for how we see and experience the physical body, and its capacity to self-repair.

It’s delicious, powerful and life changing.

These 2.5 hour sessions are a beautiful interplay of fluid-body activation, revolutionary rest, deeeep PSOAS release and Restorative Bio-Technology – to expedite sensory processing (which becomes dysregulated in our stress response) – to deliver profound states of relaxation. It registers as a deep sense of ‘safety’ – on a cellular level. So you drop deeper than you can imagine.

It’s gentle, juicy and profoundly potent.

You will deeply rest, nourish your adrenals and profoundly reset your whole system, and leave purring like a cat.

That’s a promise….


“Perfect. I always get just what I need.” – Lesley Elizabeth, Personal Assistant.


These classes are on hold for now. Please see her live event in the Shop!

3pm – 5.30pm | Byron Hinterland
Everything is provided and set up for you.
$55 – $75 sliding scale ($55 concession – $75 fully waged)
Limited to 10 people – Bookings essential as classes always book out.

Call or email Kylian HERE.
Studio address will be given upon booking.
More dates coming soon… (generally fortnightly)





Like what you see? Want me to run a workshop in your community or talk at your event?

Contact Kylian to talk about the possibilities and make it happen! Easy.


Join my mailing here list for regular updates and receive my beautiful ‘Reset’ Audio gift.



B Y R O N   B A Y   |   S Y D N E Y   |   M E L B O U R N E   |   S W E D E N   |   I T A L Y   |   N E T H E R L A N D S