
A highly specialised Teacher Training program.

With renowned expert teachers  |  Designed for women worldwide 

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi




    ...because the world is ripe for a Rest Revolution.





D E E P   R E S T ®   A N D   P S O A S   L O V E ®   |   N E R V O U S   S Y S T E M   R E P A I R 

T h e   u l t i m a t e   w o m e n s – o n l y   s o m a t i c   e d u c a t i o n   p r o g r a m .   T h i s   i s   m y   l i f e ‘ s   w o r k .   Y e a r s   i n   t h e   m a k i n g .


It’s body-based. You learn it by embodying it, living it. That’s why it works. It’s potent. Unprecedented.

T h e r e ‘ s   a n   a p p l i c a t i o n   p r o c e s s .   S p a c e s   a r e   l i m i t e d .

T h i s   w i l l   b e   a n   i n t i m a t e ,   u n p r e c e d e n t e d ,   l i f e   c h a n g i n g   j o u r n e y   o f   e x c e l l e n c e . 


The Teacher Training FOUNDATION Year is basically the Mentorship and it’s pretty much about you embodying this work. Getting it deeply anchored into your life, your body – your heart, your cells, and your nervous system in the first year. It’s gonna require you to be deeply committed to yourself (and your future self) and to a vision of a slower, juicier, deeply-rested you. Even if you’ve worked with me before – you’ve never worked with me like this darling. This will change the trajectory and narrative of your life. That is my personal promise. If you’re not sure about it you can do the Mentorship and switch to the training up to 9 months.



By teaching this potent and evolutionary work in your community.

We need this now more than ever.

This beautiful, courageous work is designed to slow people down.
Give them back to themselves.

It cultivates profound levels of safety to expedite cellular repair.

But it’s waaaaaay more than that. It’s love-fuelled, intuitive, soulful and generous.
It’s educational, a little bit sciencey, and incredibly practical.
It’s steeped in kindness and boundless love.

That’s why its so gooooood.

Sound good?





Who’s this [r]evolutionary Training for?

Women who are ready to claim their sovereignty. To rest, lead and to live life from a place of feminine values.
Women in recovery. Practitioners who are ready to teach this work. My kinda women…

Women who recognise that we are only just beginning to see the impact of modern life,
and how people will need this work as a matter of urgency in the future.
Women who want to make a real contribution and impact in increasingly stressful times.


O n e   n e r v o u s   s y s t e m   a n d   o n e   P s o a s   a t   a   t i m e .




This extraordinary training is for those who get a big “YES” when they read my stuff. Who deeply resonate with my message and LOVE the actual work. Women who aaaaache to slow down. Who are ready to rest. Who feel called to champion a greater cause. To help steer humanity back to simpler ways. To be a co-creator of a much needed Rest Revolution. Women who are committed to deep self-care. Who value rest. It’s for women who want to learn about feminine leadership and make an impact, a meaningful contribution to life – w i t h o u t  burning out. This training founded on feminine values and feminist principles.

You may already be a teacher or healer of some kind – or you may have a dream to change course and this work sparks something deep inside of you. You feel a ‘call’ to take action… To take it out into the world – to teach it in your community, your school, your workplace, your current professional practice or to build something new on the side. Something soulful and deeply satisfying.

It’s perfect for somatic therapists and teachers, yoga teachers, health and lifestyle coaches, body-workers, medical, trauma and alternative and allied health professionals. People who want to integrate this work into their own professional work – or who want to teach the work in its purity. It is also perfect for those recovering from adrenal fatigue, burnout, breakdown, living with chronic illness or who are going through a major life transition.

You recognise the collective urgency and need for this work. Ideally you will be exploring the concepts of my message in your own life already. Questioning the status quo that keeps us hostage. Choosing rest. Reading. Being curious. Perhaps you have had a health scare or burnout of your own. Perhaps you are highly stressed, can’t sleep, live with anxiety or PTSD or one of the many auto-immune diseases that are becoming increasingly common. This exquisite and potent work is a must for anyone with chronic, longstanding health challenges or trauma. Maybe you are an executive or A-type who is fiiiiiinally heeding the call to go at a different pace, perhaps dreaming of making a move away from the corporate world. Perhaps your doctor warned you to slow down.

It’s for anyone who simply aches to go all the way with this beautiful and potent work. To rebuild their whole system. You may or may not eventually teach it. No problem But the training will go beyond what we explore in the Mentorship. You’ll get loads more support and theory. And 6 months extra time to marinate in the work.

Perhaps, like me, you lost someone you love and it has stirred something fierce and loving in you that you didn’t have access to before. You see through the modern-life madness as I do and have come to choose a different path. You want to make an impact, a contribution – yet there’s nothing else that really speaks to you the way this training does.

Why did you develop this specialised training?

Because we (humanity) are in real trouble. 

The collective nervous system and Psoas is responding to all kinds of political, social, economic and climate change and uncertainty. We feel increasingly vulnerable unsafe and under threat. And research now concurs our fears are founded. Climate grief is an actual area of study and treatment (for example). And we are juuuuust seeing the tip of the iceberg of our collective anxiety, insomnia and unrest. No pun intended. Even if we are not conscious of feeling unsafe or stressed. Even if we live in denial about the shifts that are taking place, the unrest, the quickening. The body tells another story. The body knows and the body always tells the truth. Anxiety and sleep disorders are on the rise. And then we go and sit all day at our computers marinating in technological toxins we can’t see (so we think there’s no problem), under artificial lights and we have a cocktail for stress and a time-bomb for a breakdown in our health. The psoas is pissed off! And this work addresses the impact of all that. It empowers people to course-correct and prepare for what seems at this point inevitable.

We need it now more than ever. We need to cultivate resiliency and integrity in our whole system.

And there’s nothing else like it available. Anywhere…

This training is the training I wish was available 11 years ago when I began teaching people to rest.

Then, with my own chronic pain, insomnia and anxiety – as I began to experiment with the many ingredients I combine in this methodology – I kind of wished I’d had a mentor… Following my breakdown early 2011, I began a deep journey back to myself. I walked away from Yoga and turned inward for the answers. I drew on all those years of working with women recovering from the devastating effects of violence and recovering from the long term effects of trauma. I worked with remarkable teachers and discovered a wealth of intelligence and resources and medicine in my own body and lived experience. This training is the culmination of that. Of my own triumphant recovery and over 20 years of professional practice.

It’s like no other training available in the world. The content, the expert guest teachers, all that I bring…

It’s a potent interplay of Somatic Education, Nervous System Physiology, Trauma, Stress and Applied Anatomy in daily life – with Mindfulness, Movement, inquiry, deliciously Restorative DEEP REST®, Fascia and Fluid-Systems. This unique recipe elicits the most PROFOUND states of relaxation AND cellular repair… It all comes together in a soulful, love-soaked teaching methodology, complete with Psoas smarts and the worlds leading experts in the field. And it culminates in a lush and intimate 10-day training gathering with Kylian in subtropical Byron Bay, Australia.  

Sounds ah-maaaaazing, right?



W o u l d   y o u   l i k e   t o   t r a i n   w i t h   m e ?  



What is it you ache to do with your one precious life?

Women who ‘get’ this work on a deep level – and are ready to be ambassadors of the work – now have a rare and exciting chance to train with me. It is an unprecedented opportunity to join a tribe of women who are not only ready to rest, but ready to take a stand for humanity and teach this work in the world.

You’ll learn leading-edge technology to teach in a niche market within a rapidly growing global industry. This is a movement, a cause. And it calls for people who are ready to become certified teachers of the work, and then powerfully and lovingly lead – by teaching what they love and how they live.

Just imagine what it might be like to be a part of something bigger than yourself. To really find your tribe. To feel in your bones an unwavering sense of belonging. To be a stand for what you believe in. And to make a profound and meaningful contribution. To co-create a legacy like that. Sound good?

If you are deeply moved by this work – and feel called to take it out into the world with a growing tribe of likeminded luminaries cheering you on – I invite you to consider training with me.

This highly anticipated training gives you access to my secret-sauce methodology and teachings. A synthesis of 20+ years of professional and personal blood, sweat and tears, teaching people to rest, working with women in trauma recovery, and the lessons from my own brutal breakdown in 2011 followed by my deeeep slow-cook recovery.

I have worked with thousands of people and witnessed lives transform. I am now ready to lead you to do the same…

Will you join me?

You will be armed with the most current and potent relaxation and nervous system repair tools available – to use and to teach.





Y o u   c a n   b e   a   p o w e r f u l   f o r c e   –   w i t h o u t   w r e c k i n g   y o u r   h e a l t h .   I   w a n t   t h a t   f o r   y o u .   I   w a n t   y o u   t o   b e   f r e e .   

I   c a n   s h o w   y o u   h o w . . .


T h e r e ‘ s   a n   a p p l i c a t i o n   p r o c e s s   f o r   t h e   T e a c h e r   T r a i n i n g .   S p a c e s   a r e   l i m i t e d .
T h i s   w i l l   b e   a n   i n t i m a t e ,   u n p r e c e d e n t e d ,   l i f e   c h a n g i n g   j o u r n e y   o f   e x c e l l e n c e . 

I t   w i l l   s e l l   o u t .




    It will be intimate, lush, decadent & life affirming.
    They don't call Kylian "The Queen of Lush" for nothing, sweetheart.
    Fully catered organic lunches & delicious organic light refreshments daily.
    Daaaays luxuriating in it. With Kylian. Oh. My. God..



How Kylian’s Teacher Training works:

Sponsor your own revolution first.
Master self-regulation. The art of DEEP REST®

Fall in love with your Psoas. Recalibrate at a new pace…

Then teach others to do the same.

A unique, love-soaked cross-pollination of somatic education, Deep Rest, Psoas Love, playful repatterning and Soulful inquiry promises to challenge your ideas about the human body and its capacity to self-repair. And not only will you be learning to help others – it will inspire you to redefine your values and renew your self-care vows. As a matter urgency.

The training will deliver the ‘science’ of the work as well as the secret-sauce formula for my exquisite and renowned teaching style. It weaves specific tools with Soulful psychology that together initiate a cellular response that is unparalleled. I have developed this body of work over my 20 years of teaching and holding space for people to transform their lives in various professional roles.

It’s this perfect marriage (sciencey, truth-telling, educational, soulful and loving) that makes this work so unique and so unrivalled. I promise your Psoas, nervous system and adrenals will give you a standing ovation at the end of this training. It will transform your health, rewire your neurology and enrich your teaching and your relationships – for the rest of your life. You will graduate laden with tools to empower and liberate yourself and your students – in the world of busy…

I guarantee you (and your students) will leave purring like a cat.

Every. Single. Time.


Initially it’s about showing up for yourself like never before. It invites you to challenge the status quo. To choose to go at a different pace, a human pace. It may require you to change your life. To get out of your own way, perhaps welcome the challenges you face as the very catalyst you’ve needed to bring you back to your own true North. To learn to say YES to you. To receive the goodness of life. To feel safe. To belong. To feel deeply supported. Seen. Here. Now. Where you are. Ahhhhhh….. you will deeply recalibrate and fully claim – and live – a life of your own making. No more playing small or being at the mercy of (lack of) ‘time’ or the relentless to-do list…

It’s time to take your power back!

And as you master that – with the secret arsenal this training delivers – you will master self-regulation. You will come to honour your body wisdom and worship your nervous system. You will become your own champion – sponsoring or your own revolution first.

You will then learn how to empower others to do the same by being a stand for others. For your loved ones, your community – and humanity.

It’s about granting permission and guiding people back to their true North. It’s about choosing to prioritise rest and understanding the messages of this infinitely intelligent and instinctual body. It’s about making amends with ourselves on a very deep, cellular level.

You will be unrecognisable – to yourself – and to your community.

That’s a promise.

This work is about way more than just teaching people to rest for a few hours in a class.
It is a pre-emptive strike AND it presses LOVE into all the right places.

It teaches you to facilitate little miracles to occur.

For yourself, your beloveds, and your community.




    People are starving for it.
    It's time... for a Rest Revolution.

    OH YES!


How modern life is impacting us: 



Life has become a balancing act of relentless to-do lists. We have a chronic perception of urgency, of not having enough ‘time’. And as we insist on getting it all ‘done’ we are left chronically rest-deprived. Starved for adequate, quality sleep and aching for time to relax into our own lives. And it’s wreaking havoc on our health…

Our always-on culture leaves our brains activated like never before. And you’re feeling the effects. We all are. Fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, digestive issues, chronic pain and a host of other more baffling stress-related ailments are on the rise. It’s an epidemic…


We are out of sync with our instincts – our biological rhythms.  This takes a toll on our nervous system. At some point, the body starts to break down. And, because we really are amazingly resilient and adaptive beings we tend to miss the signals. Until it’s too late.

Exhaustion sets in. Or worse…

Sound familiar?



The body is not a machine, something to neglect or conquer…

My experience tells me that when we don’t listen to the early signs (fatigue, anxiety or not sleeping well)…
we can expect more serious stuff to develop.

 Modern science concurs: we NEED rest in order to thrive.

We NEED to regulate the Nervous System.

Yet with our modern Superhero-complex – most people don’t prioritise rest.

S i m p l y   p u t :   C h r o n i c   R e s t   D e p r i v a t i o n   B e c o m e s   D i s e a s e . 

[23.5* million (Americans) suffer from autoimmune disease and the prevalence is rising.]

I’ve collated the following stats from my work with clients over the past few years.
This is just a sample…


79% pelvic or SIJ instability

68% anxiety

52% digestive issues

83% back or hip pain






B Y   L E A R N I N G   T O   W O R K   W I T H   S T R E S S ,   T R A U M A   &   S E N S I T I V E   N E R V O U S   S Y S T E M S   Y O U   W I L L :


L E A R N   T O   T E A C H   P E O P L E   H O W   T O : 

R E S T   U N A P O L O G E T I C A L L Y .

R E C O G N I S E   T H E   S I G N S   O F   S T R E S S   &   A C T I V A T I O N .

M A K E   A M E N D S   W I T H   T H E I R  O N E   P R E C I O U S   B O D Y .

R E C A L I B R A T E   T O   A   S U S T A I N A B L E ,  H U M A N   P A C E .

R E N E W   T H E I R   S E L F – C A R E   V O W S .

L O V E   T H E I R   P S O A S  &  H E A L   T H E I R   N E R V O U S   S Y S T E M .

F A C I L I T A T E   K Y L I A N S   P R O F O U N D ,   S L O W – C O O K   P S O A S   R E L E A S E   S E R I E S .

R E S E T   &   W O R S H I P   T H E I R   O W N   N E R V O U S   S Y S T E M .

P L U G   I N T O   T H E I R   I N N A T E   R E G E N E R A T I V E   S U P E R P O W E R S .

C U L T I V A T E   P A R A S Y M P A T H E T I C   C A P A C I T Y  &  C O H E R E N C Y .

T A K E   A   S T A N D   T O   H A V E   T H E I R   O W N   B A C K .

C R E A T E   A   L I F E   O F   T H E I R   O W N   M A K I N G .

. . . W I T H O U T   T H E   B U R N O U T .





Meet your psoas







Your body is an oracle. A living, breathing, instinctive messenger…

What’s yours telling you?





 “’Restore connection’ is not just for devices, it is for people too. If we cannot disconnect, we cannot lead. Creating the culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity. This is something that needs to be taught in business schools. This mentality needs to be introduced as a leadership and performance-enhancing tool.”

– Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post



emily web“I used to think ‘self-care’ was about getting a massage, going to the gym or taking a bubble bath. (LOL!) Something other women did, not me. Just another thing on my ‘to-do’ list. But now I feel like I have a secret power or knowledge. It’s actually about ‘owning’ myself. Being so in tune with myself. It’s about celebrating myself, and trusting the immense wisdom of this body I live in. 

I am just loving my new relationship with myself! I finally know what it means to look after me! To borrow Kylian’s words: “I am a stand for myself – like no one ever was.” I am still amazed at how good I feel, how much less ‘busy’ and frantic I am. People comment about how great I look too, how they can’t believe it… My husband and kids are loving it too. They’ve got me back after years of chronic unwellness.

Don’t hesitate. Kylian’s work is invaluable. Go get your life back! I got mine, and it’s sweeter than ever.”

– Emily Hart, Bookkeeper and Mother, Sydney








What qualifies me for this role?

“Be proud of your scars. They have everything to do with your strength, and what you’ve endured. They’re a treasure map to the deep self.

– Clarissa Pinkola Estes




In case you missed my bio – I experienced a full breakdown in 2011. It was brutal. The inevitable result of living life inside an old, old story. Living in a way that had me overriding myself – on the brink of burnout, carrying around my unresolved trauma – for a really long time. You can read the unabridged version here. But it turned out that my breakdown was the biggest breakthrough of my life. At 40 – I decided to be a stand for myself – like no one ever had – and I packed up my precious life and relocated to Byron to transform my life and health. And, unwittingly, birth something new.

This beautiful work is the result.

It is a celebration of my life’s work. Informed by my years working as a Creative Arts and Movement Therapist in private practice and guiding groups of women back to themselves as they recovered from the devastating effects of violence and trauma. Then as a passionate yoga teacher where I worked with war veterans, corporates and people from all walks of life in my rural yoga studio in Victoria. And of course the past 9 years teaching people how to deeply rest and love their Psoas – for which I am renowned.

I draw on my Masters, my clinical and community development work, my own triumphant recovery – and my daily life. I have had amazing teachers along the way, and my ongoing deep-dives into all things courageous, nourishing and fortifying continue to inform this work. I am redefining and perfecting the art of radical-self-care.

What sets my work apart from the rest?

This beautiful, courageous work is designed to cultivate profound levels of safety – in order to expedite cellular repair. But it’s waaaaaay more than that. It’s love-fuelled, intuitive, soulful and generous. It’s educational, a little bit sciencey, and incredibly practical. My evolutionary methodology forms a seamless interplay of empirical tools – with juicy teaching. So it promises to capture your heart AND change your life.

I have this uncanny ability to usher people into profound states of relaxation, rest and safety. To truly ‘see’ people, and to gently call them on their BS – whilst sooooothing and inspiring a deep reverence for their own devotion and care. I also tend to engender a genuine interest in anatomy for daily life. Yes, it’s quite a combo. I’m finally comfortable in my own skin – so I allow ALL of myself (not just the shiny bits) to show up here in this role. I am also a straight-talker, so my delivery can be feisty, playful, and heartfelt. I’m no longer hiding from the world. And I no longer need you to like me. I have Superpowers, and I own them. That’s why people travel from far away places to work – and play – with me.

Yep, I am unrecognisable to myself and my loved ones. I am truly thriving.
And it’s all because I embody what I teach.

This is my gift to humanity.

I want this for you too.




“We don’t have to do all of it alone.

We were never meant to.”

– Brené BrownRising Strong





I presume by now you really ‘get’ that this is not a mediocre run-of-the-mill, over crowded training, with ridiculously long hours and overwhelming learning objectives that push you to your limits. I’m done with that old paradigm. It will be life-changing. Love-soaked, generous, juicy, unorthodox, challenging, delicious, recalibrating, fortifying, healing, liberating, empowering and restful.

And just like my other offerings it will be exquisite and the pricing reflects that. For this inaugural round the price has been radically reduced. Rest assured, this price will never be repeated.

I am deeply committed to this work and cause. We need it now more than ever.

I look forward to joining forces with likeminded luminaries who are ready to join me in leading this love-fuelled revolution.

Loving you, and all of humanity…

All the way,

Kylian signature






“All the ‘not readies,’ all the ‘I need time,’ are understandable,
but only for a short while. The truth is that there is never a ‘completely ready,’
there is never a really ‘right time.'”

– Clarissa Pinkola Estes






  • This Teacher Training is a game changer. It's gold. But first, you have to do the









Testimonials and Praise for Kylian:





“Kylian is the Nervous System Whisperer.” – Alison Vickery, Holistic Health Coach.




“Kylian is a pioneer in healing trauma through the somatic release of stress and painful experiences stored in the tissues of the body. Working with Kylian during my horrible withdrawal from a prescribed anti-depressant allowed me to develop a routine of nurturing practices that I hope to continue for the rest of my life. Through the ease of our Skype sessions, she has opened my mind up to what a fascinating and telling roadmap the human body (and particularly the psoas muscle) can be in maintaining good health. Life changing skills for us “sensitives”!”
Susan K, New York.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“I have to tell you Kylian – I’ve done some restorative (yoga) in my time… and you’re the best. I felt old abdominal adhesions pulling apart yesterday during that partner exercise. And my belly feels so different today. I’d love to talk about mind entrainment with the sympathetic nervous system – because this morning it feels like my brain won’t switch on while in parasympathetic mode! Anyhow – I’m totally in for the Rest Revolution! Cannot wait to participate and support you as it builds. Big love.”  – Belinda Noakes, Courage Mentor. 



“This is the most divine experience of unwrapping what limits your body and psyche (all wrapped in together)… I now have the tools and joy to let go. Watch out people, she’s coming your way.” – Avalyn Doyle, Professional Artist





michelle white pic cropped

“I had some health concerns including anxiety and heart palpitations when I came to work with Kylian. I had a transformational sigh of relief! When my inner knowing – of changes that were needed – was confirmed. Layers of healing rest has deeply settled my nervous system. I can now listen to myself clearly – without the noise or confusion. Each session ‘reset’ my cells.

My home practice tools and repertoire are plentiful. Kylian’s face-to-face and virtual support has deeply supported my journey. Tangible shifts have occurred – both personally and professionally. As a doctor – I can really connect with my patients. I now prescribe ‘rest’ and ‘self-care’ more than medication. All aspects of my life have been renewed since working with her. My four-year-old son values rest. He is adorable. We even rest together. Kylian is a positive force of encouragement, support, understanding and love.

This work is powerfully simple, all knowing – and it embodies self-care in a way that is transformational – in subtle, and deep ways. I recommend this Deep Rest package to anyone who is committed to changing their life. Thank you Kylian for your commitment – to me, and to this important work.”

Dr Michelle White, GP Coffs Coast.



tracyk“I came to Kylian overwhelmed with pain, and at how restricted in movement my life had become. I am 36 and have been in extreme pain since I was 7. I have had a lifelong journey exploring every available options for relief… and had no reprieve. Within a week I was off pain medication. I am eternally grateful for her passion and commitment to this work, as it is without a doubt the most profound bodywork I have ever experienced, and my searching for relief has come to an end. – Tracy Kvassay-Bell, Family Support, Separation and Single Parent Specialist.




“For the first time in 10 years I am consistently without pain.” – Kate Veitch, Writer





“My work with Kylian gave me a fresh perspective on the intelligence of my body.” – Tom Langley, Entrepreneur 





cheryl s 2“Following a diagnosis of Ross River Fever, and spending a year recovering and changing every aspect of my lifestyle, there was a piece missing. I had poor habits in terms of navigating stress and overwhelm. I did not know how to say yes to me. I knew I wanted a pathway to uncompromising self-care.

Working with Kylian has been profound for me. Learning to show up for myself. Recognising patterns of avoidance. Recalibrating them. Meeting myself where I’m at. This has been a deep anchor in me, moving forward with the work and enquiry. Immediately it removed for me the self-imposed pressure of ‘needing to achieve’ and I treated myself as I would anyone else, witnessing and receiving with love and non-judgment. It was from this point I could move forward. Gently and with grace.

The utter joy of giving myself permission. Permission to rest, to state boundaries, to shine, to love myself, to eat well. To be. Then sensing into the rewards this gives to me physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Yum.

Kylian’s playful nature makes the deep, gritty work needed to do this kind of releasing a pleasure. Her gentle yet direct approach kept me on task, providing a place where I could truly trust, release and rebuild my nervous system. Embodying the deep rest has profoundly changed me.

My life is full, with travel, meetings etc. The tools provided by Kylian are practical and can come with me no matter where I am heading to next! My favourite thing about the work itself is the gentle nature of it. The nervous system repair work is something I can return to time and time again, gently inviting me to play and rest whilst repairing my body at a cellular level. Divine.

I just know if I didn’t do this I would be facing continued fatigue and overwhelm. It’s life changing stuff. It’s the smartest thing I have done… ever. – Cheryl Smith, Not for Profit Manager, NSW North Coast.


Rebecca Henry

You will be in great hands. Kylian is compassionate, bold and spot-on in her coaching support. Some days I needed gentleness – others I needed to be challenged. I felt like I could bring anything to our sessions – and she could work with it. She wouldn’t let me flake-out. And her voice! Her words – like healing love letters… I listened to her audio’s every day – and still do. It’s like she’s right here with me.

The perfect combination: practical, restful, overwhelm-free tools; beautiful, soulful support – as well as theoretical, nerdy info – which I really need. I noticed an immediate shift in my pain levels, my anxiety and sleep. I now understand why I got so sick – and how to avoid another stress related burnout! I have loads more energy too. She has taught me things that I wish I knew 20 years ago! Who knew this stuff existed? My cells are grateful every day. “

– Rebecca Henry, Equestrian Centre Manager, Topanga, California.


“This psoas work has something for everyone. It can relieve your headaches, soothe your aching back, calm your nerves, allow you to move with ease and comfort throughout the day. However if you choose to let it, a whole new world can be opened up for you. It can touch your heart and soul in ways that you never imagined possible and allow you to explore a whole new perspective on life… all through the dynamic teaching, wisdom, gentle guidance and loving support of Kylian Martin.”
– Cathy Lee, Mother


“I slept amazingly well! I woke up sideways on my bed…never done that before! My body feels free and flexible no issues at all – energy high, nervous system calm. I felt very flexible and unusually free of ANY tension… I felt unusually limber with no aches or pains which I usually would wake with. I got a lot out of this workshop.”
– Rhonda Weatherby, Yoga Teacher, Melbourne


“I love your recording of ‘constructive rest’ and I use it often. It has inspired me in my own teaching. Your words are so obviously coming from an embodied place. Doing the practice with your guidance creates a feeling of such acceptance, safety and self love. A gift. Thank you.”
– Kimberley Roberts, Yoga Teacher, Melbourne


“After the workshop I slept the best I have in years!! My heart feels nourished, I feel deeply relaxed. I loved your relaxed yet mindful teaching style. I feel excited about doing the next workshop with you Kylian. Big big big thanks!” 
– Emma Wilson, Brisbane


“Perfect. I always get just what I need.”
– Lesley Elizabeth, Personal Assistant, Yarra Valley



And more love…


“Extraordinary. Exquisite! – Kathy Newman, Pro Surfer, Coffs Coast


“Warm, playful and professional. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience. – Madhu Honey, Performing Artist, Byron Bay


“Profound on all levels. – Lisa Fitzpatrick, Soul Purpose + Professional Coach, Byron Bay


“Presence. Courage to hold a spaciousness, stillness, silence and depth. – Belinda Lloyd, Yoga + Mindfulness Teacher, Yarra Valley


“An inspiring example and teacher. – Michael Shaw, Anti Bullying Educator + Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Byron Bay


“She brings a warmth and heartfelt regard for all. – Merri Hughes, Psychologist, Yarra Valley


“A gift. Obviously coming from an embodied place. – Kimberley Roberts, Your Peace Within Yoga and Wellbeing, Melbourne


“Dynamic wisdom, gentle guidance and loving support. – Cathy Lee, Mother + Medial Assistant, Byron Bay


“Authenticity, compassion, playful, quirky. The real deal! – Ernst Dams, Relationship Coach, Byron Bay


I am hungry for more! – Ngaire Stephenson, Pilates Instructor + Health Coach, Brisbane







*www.aarda.org/autoimmune-information/autoimmune-statistics/     **Dun & Bradstreet

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  

– Mary Oliver