Soul Alignment: the up-side of a health crisis.
Since I wrote about my “Fear of Being Seen” – I’ve had a challenging and liberating time. That first blog created more buzz and connection, than any of my previous emails. I felt truly seen, received. Simply by sharing myself like that. A big exhale followed – as I realised I get to be myself in this forum. You see, Iv’e been trying to figure out what my emails/newsletters are about for a few years, so this was a huge ‘aha’ moment for me. Then magical things started to happen. Invitations rolled in to write guest Blogs, do interviews, teach in far away, exotic places. And I was like, Yes! By fully owning my fear – life opened up. But little did I know – when I recorded that 1st video – I was in the early stages of a mysterious illness… I got sick. Really sick. I was in my PJ’s for weeks. Wipe out. The symptoms fit the profile of Ross River – but it turned out not to be. Complete with a cranky psoas and belly, skin break-outs and the thickest brain fog imaginable. If you can’t relate to “brain fog” – it can be de-bil-it-at-ing. Ultimately it’s a lack of mental clarity – and when it’s severe – the simplest task (like writing a grocery list) can feel like quantum physics. Wo-hah! You look fine, sound fine, but something is very wrong. It felt as if I’d had a partial lobotomy. No joke. So even though I came through the physical stuff relatively quickly, (with a little help from IV vitamins) I’ve had nearly three months of brain fog… Yes you read that correctly. Three. Months. Scary.
So following my big “declaration” to show up fully in the world!…. My work came to a screeching halt! Understandably, it took me a while to completely surrender. I didn’t go down kicking and screaming – but I was resisting. I couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on. Was it just a classic case of upper limiting (sabotaging)? Or was there something else going on…. Looking back, I’d been in a state of prolific expansion and production for months. I was doing/holding sooooo much at once! So it’s true, I was in need of some serious time-out. The micro level, I’ve got down pat, (my daily rest/self care) just ask anyone. But on a macro level? Not so much. I tend to lose sight of my broader needs when I’m on a mission, in the creative flow. When I did finally come to a standstill, I felt sort of embarrassed. How could I – given what I do in the world – be so depleted, and not even know it? A beloved friend pointed out that, with only half my brain functioning, I was unable to recognise the signs. What followed: support and kindness from those around me; I revisited some big childhood head trauma; fever; zero work; little screen time; long baths; 3-hour naps; DVD marathons; crystals; lusher-than-usual restorative practices; gazing out my bedroom window for hours; and prayer…
And in all that space, my despair rose up. New layers of grief, and anxiety. I stayed with it. I burned, baby. And what transpired in my hiatus, whilst I sweat-it-out in fog-land, was a spiritual recalibration. I reeled it in (my big ol’ vision), did some deep and necessary clearing and healing – which amplified my capacity to self-nourish.
Of course the trick for me is to not go for it 110% and have a repeat. You know that one? So I am enjoying loads of time “unplugged”, long beach walks, lots of reading (I have a stack of new books, OMG!), creating divine sugar free, grain free, dairy free, vegetarian food, and I even rediscovered my childhood love of drawing and even colouring in! Talk about mindfulness! So if you are wondering, I am feeling much better. Still a little brain fog, but as you can see in my spontaneous video, I’m back! In the next few weeks I will share my major discoveries – many of which I think will be very helpful for some of you – along with some questions for you about my latest project!
It can be difficult to see when you’re in the midst of a health crisis to trust, but it is my absolute belief that there is always some divine reason. Beats choosing to be a victim hey? How ’bout you? Have you ever found the up-side of an illness or major life challenge? Just as my sharing shines light for others – so does yours, my love. So please come across to my Blog HERE and tell me. I love hearing from you…. Thanks for reading my second most transparent and real email to my tribe (so far), which I decided to make my second ‘blog’! I’m off now for a luxurious 90 minute facial, because I can. |
Oh my, you could very well have just written about me instead of you (in parts). I get it totally, word for word! Love the quantum physics analogy! So glad to see you’re on your way back to your amazing self. Take care, Gxx
Hey Gina, Haha! I’m glad you liked the analogy. It really does feel like that hey? It has been such a saviour to talk with you as I went through the process. Thank you for your beautiful and generous support. Love Kylian xo
Thank you for being so open and sharing your journey Kylian. A refreshing voice. Your honesty inspires me to trust the process (and myself) in the difficult parts. I am curious, is your psoas still ‘cranky’? I love that, haha. I can really relate. Mine gets cranky and keeps me awake, anxious and I have pain flares and so I just do the psoas release and fluid body ball work from the course and it’s ok… It’s amazing. Anyway, keep sharing and have no fear! “Be seen”, this is important… <3
Hi Fiona, Thanks! It feels liberating to share in this way.
My psoas is not so cranky now, but not quite as juicy as I like it to be either…. The right side is talking to me. I have been noticing in recent weeks that my ‘turn-out” has increased on the right side – which used to be quite prominent. After correcting it for many years my turnout was even on both sides – pretty well aligned forward. So this is most curious! I might even explore it some more and share my findings here in a blog!
I am so pleased you still find the tools from the 7-week Psoas Love course so helpful. Love Kylian xo
Hi Kylian, I am sorry to hear you have had a rough time lately. I know the depths and darkness the mind can take us to – but in my experience (I am 20 years old) you learn so much form those times, emerging so much stronger and more confident. It is important to look after yourself and let inner beauty shine. Love Ruby x
Sweet Ruby. Thank you for sharing your insight and courage here. I imagine like me – other’s will read your words and be touched by the tenderness and wisdom you have (at such an age)! This delights me. Shine bright darling, Love Kylian xo
Lovely Kylian, one of the things I love about reading your posts is that they are so “you”. It’s like we are sitting at your place having a chat! The other is of course the wisdom, truth and gentleness of them. Glad you are gaining momentum in moving forward…and the trick definately is not to go a million miles an hours due to the relief of feeling somewhat ok again…it’s amazing how little improvements make you feel amazing compared to the fog….brain fog sucks the big one doesn’t it?! Remember when I discovered a sense of vitality? Ahh the sweetness of it! Enjoy regaining yours and look forward to lushing it up with you again xxxxx
Ahhh Cathy, thank you so much! I feel the same way reading your words here! Like we are in the same room, in the same realm. Yes I do remember your blossoming… So sweet. And yeah brain fog is very sucky (your comment made me laugh out loud!)
Yep – going real slow and moving forward from a place of deep self-honouring. Feels sooooo good. See you soon sweetheart. Much love to you. xo
I just read your latest blog and watched your video and wanted to write and say the video really hit a chord with me. I think it’s wonderful that you can share yourself as things truly are, while you are still feeling your way through things. You’re right, it’s unusual in the public realm, but it made me resonate with your story in a way I find difficult with a lot of the other (well meaning) but slightly artificial wellness advocates out there. It reminded me of the excellent Deepak Chopra quote “Walk with those seeking the truth, run from those who think they’ve found it.”
Your Deep Rest class sounds great. I love the words “Rest Revolution”, having recently been diagnosed with PTSD and being highly sensitive. I’m feeling my way into a new rest regime whist working as a lawyer and solo parenting, so I am really interested in learning more about your approach.
I hope you regain your equilibrium soon, and keep gaining insight from the process.
Hey Melinda. Yes it definitely seems this new level of authenticity is resonating. I am so glad! It feels like such a relief to just show up as I am! (instead of feeling like I should have my shit together). I am a living process, just like you. So thank you from the depths of my heart – for your kind comments.
I hear that you are holding a lot, and I have a feeling you are in the perfect place. I also have a feeling you just might join the Rest Revolution! xo
Beautiful blog and vibrant tell-it-all.
Enjoy the slow mo and warmth; cold in Melbourne and it feels so slowly, slowly with All of it.
Love and mung beans, Avi xxxx
Cheers darling! Well you know – my friends have been saying as much for the past 20 or so years (that they can always count on me to tell it as it is) – so what a breakthrough it has been for me to just be myself here with my tribe. YAY! Sending you a warm hug, slow-mo… xo